Smoky Sweet  Potato Wedges & Sriracha Mayonnaise

Smoky Sweet Potato Wedges & Sriracha Mayonnaise

These smoky sweet potato wedges are a staple, easy to cook in a hurry and healthy!


Theyr’e almost too good to be true. Be sure to let them get crispy though, patience is a virtue. 

Smoky Sweet Potato Wedges
Serves 2
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
40 min
Total Time
50 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
40 min
Total Time
50 min
  1. 3 Average Sweet potatoes
  2. 1/2 tsp paprika
  3. 1 tsp cumin
  4. 1/2 tsp chilli powder
  5. 2 tbsp olive oil
  6. Salt
  1. Squirt sriracha
  2. 5 tsp Mayo
The Healthy Hangover - Student Food Blog. Student recipes and guides

Sweet potatoes and knife


1) Before you begin slicing & spicing your sweet potatoes heat your oven to 200ºC

sliced sweet  potatoes


1) Slice your sweet potatoes into semi regular shapes of the same size, they don’t have to be exactly the same but by making them the same size you’ll ensure they cook at the same rate.

spiced sweet potatoes


4) Throw your wedges into a mixing bowl and add the olive oil, paprika, cumin, chilli powder and salt.

mixed spice sweet potatoes


5) Mix the ingredients around until the wedges are completely coated.

pre baked sweet potato wedges


6) Lay the wedges out onto parchment paper – this is the secret to the perfect potato wedge and will ensure they get crispy. Make sure they’re not touching each other as well. Put them into your preheated oven and bake them for 30 -40 minutes depending on how full the oven is. DO NOT CHECK THEM! as this will cool the oven and make them take even longer.

Baked sweet potato wedges


7) Remove your wedges from the oven with a tea towel / oven glove and then leave to sit on the side and cool (They get crispier when they’re not piping hot)

sriracha mayonnaise


8) Take this time to prepare some spicy srriarcha mayonnaise by mixing a squirt of srriarcha with 5 tsp of mayonnaise

Sweet potato wedges & sriracha mayonnaise


8) Plate up and enjoy your smoky sweet potato wedges!

These sweet potato wedges are fantastic and a great staple to any beginner chefs recipe book.