How to pair food with wine – Infographic
Pairing food with wine can be an absolute nightmare, particularly if you’re a student. I remember inviting a couple of friends round for a curry in second year and providing them a bottle of off license red to accompany the meal. Safe to say it wasn’t a meal to remember, luckily the lovely folks at Roberson Wine have created an info-graphic that recommends which wines pair play well with certain cuisine types. I’d advise printing out this info-graphic and sticking it to your fridge so you never make a wine pairing mistake again.
Luckily my house mate works in a wine bar in Brighton so I can pick up good bottles of wine for cheap (Thank you staff discount…)
Do you have any tips for drinking well on the cheap?
Thanks. I love this, now I know how to properly pair any food with wine for a better taste.
Mafer, Euphoric Wanderlust x
Lovely, glad you like it Mafer – be sure to show your friends, its a life saver